We draw on the expertise represented in our core approaches of ‘Five to Thrive’, ‘Mending Hurts’, ‘Holding Together’ and ‘Creating Connections’, whilst including the latest developments from neuroscience.

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Five to Thrive is a way of understanding how connected relationships are fundamental to human wellbeing, helping to build resilient communities, and how we can promote these attachment bonds

Mending Hurts promotes recovery from trauma by enabling people to notice what they, or other people, do in their most effective interactions with people when they are more vulnerable or traumatized. When we notice ourselves doing something well, we become more conscious of our activity and more competent in it

Creating Connections
between human beings lies at the heart of individual and community resilience, and, indeed, at the heart of KCA’s work. Our resilience mapping tools open up conversations about the network around people when they are feeling more vulnerable. This can offer insights that guide intervention and support.

Holding Together offers a systemic intervention to build resilience in the team around a child when they are more vulnerable or traumatised