Case Studies

Reviews of learning journeys from those we have worked with

Derbyshire Virtual School Attachment Aware Schools Programme

Derbyshire Virtual School Attachment Aware Schools Programme

A case study on Brackenfield Special School - A Journey to Learn (J2L) from 2015 to 2021 and ongoing…
Wiltshire Council (September 2021)

Wiltshire Council (September 2021)

Wiltshire Council initiated this ambitious training plan in 2019 and delivered it in partnership with KCA.
Wiltshire Police Trauma Informed Practice Review (2021)

Wiltshire Police Trauma Informed Practice Review (2021)

Wiltshire Police are a key stakeholder within Wiltshire's Family and Children's Transformation (FACT) Board.
E-learning use (July 2016)

E-learning use (July 2016)

Central Bedfordshire Council
Haringey Virtual School (July 2016)

Haringey Virtual School (July 2016)

Haringey Virtual School